Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Chapter 2 Questioning the media

1. What was you first encounter with the Internet like? How did it compare with your first encounters with other mass media?

Overall all I would have to say that my first encounter with the Internet was nothing special. I was a kid and I didnt even know how to use it yet or even what I could use it for. I was not on there for long at all. However my first experience with a cell phone was very exciting. I remember I was so happy when I got my first cell phone, which was my Mom's old one. I thought I was so cool because I finally had one even though all my other friends already had one. As a kid I didnt really enjoy music either, so my first experiences with the radio were nothing special either.

2. What features of the information highway are you most excited about? Why? What features are most troubling?

A feature that is my favorite so far in the information highway would have to be text messaging. Its' just so much easier that emailing someone or calling them and using all of your daytime minutes especially if you don't have unlimited minutes. Sorry Mrs. Harris, but text messaging is especially good when I'm in class and have to tell someone something right then. One of the features that troubles me the most are the search engines on the Internet. Whenever I Google some information I need for class, then I expect to get something along the lines of what I entered instead of something that has nothing at all to do with my search.

3. What are the advantages of an electronic-digital highway that links televisions, computers, phones, audio equipment, homes, schools and offices?

There are plenty of advantages of linking TV, phones, homes, schools and offices electronically. A good example of home to school or office, would be if I was working on a paper or project at home and couldn't finish it at home, then I could email it to myself to work on at school and print it out since I dont have one of those either. A good advantage of connecting phones to the internet is that I can go online to my Verizon account anytime I want and check my bill and see if I'm close to going over my minutes for the month. If your not around a TV, but you have the internet, then you can check the weather for your surrounding area or somewhere you might be going on vacation to.

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