Thursday, January 28, 2010

Chapter 4 questioning the media

1. Describe your earliest memories of listening to radio. do you remember a favorite song? how old were you? do you remember the stations call letters? why did you listen?

I can't say that I remember my first time listeneing to the radio, but I do remember I liked a certain type of music as a little boy. I'm embarrassed to say, but Ilistened to music like the backstreet boys and Nsync as a kid. I was into the boy bands at the time because I guess I thought it was the cool thing to do. To the best of my memory I don't think I had a particular favorite song, but I was also probably around ten ot eleven years old then. I have no idea what radio stations I was hearing these songs from back then, but it was probabl something like G105.1. I usually just listened to the stations my parents did in the car.

3. If you could own and manage a commerical radio station, what format would you choose, and why?

If I could own and manage a commerical radio station then I would probably choose the top 40 format. I would choose this format because more people would be attracted to the songs that were top of the charts each week instead of listening to older songs that used to be popular. This format would also allow for listeners to hear a song later in the day that they didnt hear when it was playing earlier because of the rotation idea that would be used with this top 40 format. Each week the songs would change so people wouldn't have to listen to the same songs week after week.

5. How might radio be used to improve social and political discussions in the United States?

Radio can be used to improve social and political dicussions in the United States in several ways. This can improve the social aspect of radio by allowing listeners to call in and give their opinions based on what the host was talking about. Radio can help political discussions in the U.S by allowing the listeners to hear the news over the radio of whats happening now, instead of having to wait til they get home to watch the news. This allows people to stay updated on current events and therefore they could voice their opinions over the radio about the political issues as well.

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