Thursday, January 21, 2010

chapter 3 questioning the media

2. If you ran a noncommercial campus radio station, what kind of music would you play and why?

If I ran a noncommercial campus radio station, I would primarily play rock and hip hop music. Based on all the students I have been around for the past 3 years on this campus, the majority of them like to listen to rock and hip hop music. Therefore by popular demand, I would choose this type of music so I could get the majority of listeners in the area. Every once in awhile, I would throw a country song into the mix, but never any classical music because I myself would not play music I didn't like.

3. Think about the role of the 1960's drug culture in rock's history. how are drugs and alcohol treated in contemporary and alternative forms of rock and hip-hop today?

I think that alot of times drugs and alcohol are abused in rock and hip hop today because alot of times on the news when there's a musician who got into trouble was a result of drugs or alcohol. Today these musicians are under so much stress and pressure to perform and produce new songs, that they just can't take it anymore and break down. They then turn to drugs or alcohol to try and solve their problems which ultimately ends up getting them in trouble with the media and therefore their fans.

5. Do you think the internet as a technology helps or hurts music artists? Why do so many contemporary musical performers differ in their opinions about the internet?

I think that the internet as a technology can really hurt music artists because of the availability of all the free music downloads. People can simply go to certain websites and download any type of music they like for free even if its new songs. This can cost the music artists money by taking away the money they should make from selling their CD's in stores. I would have to say that these musicians have differing opinions about the internet because sometimes the internet can help get their music out there to people so they would want to purchase it later. Some musicians are just so wealthy already that they could care less if some of their music is being downloaded for free off the internet.

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