Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Questioning the media Chapter 7

1. Describe your earliest memory of going to a movie. Do some research and compare this with a parents or grandparents earliest memory. Compare the different experiences.

I would have to say the earliest memory I have of going to the movies was when I was in eight grade. I had my first girlfriend and I didn't know where to go so I took her to the movies. I cant remember what movie we went to see, but I do remember that we both enjoyed ourselves. I asked my mom about her earliest experience of going to the movies and she said that she remembers going when she was around 6 or 7 years old. She said that she was so excited to go and couldnt wait to get there. She could not remember what movie she went to see, but she said she had popcorn and that it was a new adventure for her.

2. Do you remember seeing a movie you were not allowed to see? Discuss the experience.

There were quite a few movies that I saw as a kid that I was not supposed to see. In order to see a rated R movie, you have to be 17, but I saw a couple of these movies in theaters when I was 15 and 16. One time I remember having a freind buy me and my girlfriend tickets to see this scary movie that was rated R. I was hoping we wouldn't get caught when we walked in, but we didn't and we both enjoyed the movie even my girlfriend was scared throughout most of the movie. Most of the rated R movies I had seen when I was under 17 were scary movies like SAW or the Omen.

3. How often do you go to movie theaters today? How often do you play DVD's on a television, or watch movies on a computer? Which experience do you prefer and why?

These days I don't go to see movies in the theater that often because they are so expensive. Plus I usually don't have much time to go there anyway because I'm always busy with other plans. The last time I went to the movies was to see Sherlock Holmes and Avartar shortly after, both of which were at the end of December. I play DVD's on tv every coupl of weeks when I feel like having a movie night, but at my house I have DVR and so we have like 40 movies recorded so usually I watch one of them. I prefer to watch a movie on DVD at the comfort of my own home because I can relax and get comfortable which allows me to enjoy the movie better.

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