Thursday, March 11, 2010

chapter 8 questioning the media

1. What kinds of stories, topics, or issues are not being covered well by mainstream papers?

Mainstreams papers, in my opinion, do not cover things like the war in Iraq well. Their main concerns seem to be things like celebrity status' and sports related events. I know sports are a big thing with people all the time because they love to watch them, but people need to be more informed about the world as a whole and all the devestating things that are going on in it. So what if the news covers some topics like these on television the day they happen, but it is ok to write articles about them and publish them the next day because not everyone gets an opportunity watch the news every night.

2. Why do you think people aren't reading U.S. daily newspapers as frequently as they once did? Why is newpaper readership going up in other countries?

I think that people in the U.S aren't reading daily newspapers as frequently because most people have turned to the internet as their main source for news. This is also cheaper for people to use the internet instead of paying for a newspaper subscription. People can also access news stories faster on the internet instead of having to wait a day to hear yesterdays news today. People may not have as much time to read the newspaper nowadays as before and turn to the internet in order to find what they are looking for faster instead of scanning the newspaper. Newspaper readership is going up in other countries because some countries don't have freeedom of the press and therefore it may be a recent development for them.

5. Will blogs and other internet news services eventually replace newspapers? Explain your response.

Ultimately in the long run I think that blogs and internet news services will replace newspapers. This is because newspapers are expensive to print and less and less people are buying them nowadays because of the downward economy. Also eventually everyone will have access to the internet somehow whether it's in their home or going to the library to get on the computer there. Another trend I have noticed is that more people are starting to blog and more companies are trying to connect with people through internet sources such as facebook or twitter.

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