Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Chapter 9 questioning the media

1. What are your earliest recollections of magazines? Which magazines do you read regularly today? Why?

My earliest recollections of magazines as a kid were magazines named Highlights. I really enjoyed these magazines because they were made for kids. The majority of the time that I see these magazines, are in doctors offices. It seems like that kids don't want to sit still while waiting on the doctors, so they look at these Highlight magazines and do the crossword puzzles and hidden picture searches to keep them busy. The hidden picture searches were by far my favorite. Today I'm not much of a reader, so when I do pick up a magazine its usually something sports related like a Sports Illustrated. Another magazine I like to read from time to time are Playboys because of all the interesting stories and the jokes are really funny.

4. If you were the marketing director of you favorite magazine, how would you increase circulation?

If I were the marketing director of my favorite magazine, I would first look at the methods used to market/advertise my magazine, then make some alternative solutions as to how to better circulate it. I don't specifically have a favorite magazine, but as I mentioned above, I do like Sports Illustrated. If I were to try and better circulate Sports Illustrated, then I would have more commercials for the magazine during sports events like football and basketball games. Another tactic I would use would be to advertise Sports Illustrated in other top selling magazines hoping for a better exposure to not only just the sports fanattics.

7. Do you think that internet will eventually displace magazines? Why or why not?

I think that in the long run, Internet will ultimately the magazine industry. This is because the Internet is continuing to become faster and faster and people can find exactly what they want to find faster on the Internet, instead of skimming through magazine articles to find what they want. There are already large magazine distributors that have online sites of all the articles that are in the magazines, so why would people pay for magazines anymore if they could find the few articles they really want to read in the click of a button. With the slowed economy, magazines are just another expense that people have to pay, for something they may read twice then throw out.

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