Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Chapter 10 questioning the media

1. What are your earliest recollections of books? Do you read for pleasure? If yes, what kinds of books do you enjoy? Why?

My earliest recollections of books as a kid were a short stories series called Goosebumps. I remember everytime I went over to my Grandma's house on the weekend, I would try and read a whole Goosebumps book in a day. These books were so interesting to me at the time because a lot of them were scary books that had alot of twists and kept me interested to read further. I would read 2 or 3 of these books every week and it would make my Grandma so proud that she promised as long as I kept reading them, that she would keep buying me new ones. Nowadays, I do not read for pleasure. Most of the time I read is for schoolwork or for a job. The only pleasure I get out of reading nowadays, is reading the sports page in the newspaper to find out scores of games.

4. Imagine that you are on a committee that oversees book choices for a high school library in your town. What policies do you think should guide the committee's selection of controversial books?

I think that there are both pros and cons about selecting controversial books for a high school library. Some people may argue that the material would be inappropiate for kids of their age, but I would argue that eventually they are all going to be exposed to it at one point or another. I think with contriversial books, that the committee should only offer these types of books to the seniors and not the under classmen. The geographics of the school could also have some bearing on what the committee decides to do with these books.

6. Would you read a book on an IPod or a Kindle? Why or why not?

If I actually enjoyed reading books in my spare time, then I would definitely read a book on my IPod. The reason would be because it would conserve space in my bag, or it would take away me having to carry the book around in my hand. This would be another good advantage because some people might not want others to see what they are reading so they dont get made fun of. Whenever I go on a long trip and have to fly, then i would read a book on my IPod during the flight because I always bring my IPod with me for flights.

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