Thursday, April 1, 2010

Chapter 11 questioning the media

1. What is your earliest reco0llection of watching a television commerical? Do you have a favorite ad? A most despised ad? What is it about these ads that you partically like or dislike?

My earliest recollection of watching a TV ad was . Typically my favorite ads are the superbowl commericals. This is because they are really funny and most of them are actually products that I purchase like Doritos and Bud Light. I really like ads like this because they make me laugh. These ads usually have more of a sexier image to them as well like hot women, and thats what I like. Usually I try not to even watch commericals because they typically don't interest me and I end changing the channel. I dont have a despised ad, but there are a few ads I dont like such as the commericals advertising the products used just for women like tampoons n stuff like that.

2. Why are so many people critical of advertising?

I think that alot of people are critical of advertising because alot of times, advertisinments can send mixed messages to people. One person can interpret an ad in a positive way when another can interpret the same ad in a positive way. Advertising is also used in ways like political advertising where commericals are used to persuade people to adopt a particular viewpoint altough it may be somewhat of a negative viewpoint. People are also critical of advertising because it makes the competition look bad even though it all may not be entirely true.

5. Should tobacco advertising be prohibited? Why or why not? How would you deal with first admendment issues reguarding controversial ads?

I think that advertising of tobacco products should be prohibited everywhere. These producrts are absolutely disgusting and they kill people. What kind of people would want to advertise products that kill people everyday. Its just morally wrong. Not to mention that these products smell awful as well. I am personally glad that North Carolina passed the law to where people are not allowed to smoke in bars and resturants anymore. I used to hate when I would go out and come back later that night and have my clothes smelling like cigaretts. Yes people do have the right to free speech in the first admendment, but why would people even want to put controversial ads out in the first place. If I worked for the government, I would ban these ads and just tell people to deal with it and get over it because its not the end of the world.

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