Thursday, April 29, 2010

chapter 16 questioning the media

4. Who is Judith Miller? Shuold the United States have a federal shield law to protect reporters?

Judith Miller was a New York Times reporter who spent eighty five days in jail for refusing to testify about her confidential sources in connection with the leaked identity of CIA operative Valerie Plame. Miller got in trouble because of her prewar intelligence on Iraq's nuclear weapons. I personally think that the United States should not have a federal shield law to protect reporters because reporters should know what they are getting themselves into before actually proceeding with it. They signed up for it and so if they want to get into everyones else's business, then they can pay the price. It's just like the reporters getting into the lives of celebrities where they should'nt belong and end up putting false information out there to the public.

5. What do you think of the current movie rating system? Should it be changed? Why or why not?
I think that the current movie rating system is just fine the way it is. More and more kids are being exposed to sexual acts on television each day even through cartoons. So no matter what rating a show is, more then likely it will have some kind of sexual reference even if the kids dont pick up on it. Sure parents can edit their TV's to where it blocks shows of a certain rating, but there is still cursing in just about all the types of TV ratings. There may be sexual acts on TV nowadays, but I remember when I was a kid that I would see nudity on TV every once in awhile on a common network, so therefore TV has gotten alot better in terms of the things it shows.

6. Should the Fairness Doctrine be revived? Why or why not?

I think that the Fairness Doctrine should be revived because it required broadcast stations to present controversial issues of public importance and to do so in a manner that was honest, equitable and balanced. The purpose of it was to provide adequate coverage to pubilc issues with that coverage being fair in reflecting opposing opinions. Today it seems like differing opinions are not fairly represented on air. One side of an issue is made out to be the bad guys in one advertisment, while it being the other way around in another advertisment. This way you dont know who to believe. The Fairness Doctrine should be put back into place.

ch 15 questioning the media

1. What are your main concerns or criticisms about the state of media studies at your college or university?

One of my main concerns about the state of media studies at Lenoir-Rhyne is how the school as a whole views greek life. The schools whole judicial system is a joke. I am critizing it because of what it chooses to accuse people for. It needs to re-evaluate its whole process because most of it is a big waste of time. Another concern about the media studies at LR is the current convocation system thats in place. Under the current system, students should not be required to attend one convo of each category, but rather say five total convos in a year because there is a limited number of convos for each category and students may not have time to fit one of a certain category into their schedules.

2. One charge that has been leveled against a lot of media research is that it has very little impact on changing our media institutions. Do you agree or disagree?

I agree with this statement because no matter what is said about our media institutions, usually nothing will change in them. Most of the time when things change, it is because the policies of these institutions need to be updated or changed to reflect the change in the society as a whole. Even with al the cultural models that are made about these institutions and how mocu better they could become by doing so, usually changes nothing. To me, media research is just another thing to do in orderto try and critize someone else.

4. In looking at media courses in a college curriculum, what do you think the relationship is between theory and practice? Do hands-on, practical-skills, courses such as news reporting, advertising copywriting, or TV production belong in a liberal arts college or in a seperate mass communication college? Explain.

Since a theory is an idea or hypothesis which aims at explaining something, practice can be correlated with theory. I think that in media courses in college curriculum, practice is supposed to make perfect since practice is an exercise/application of a theory into an idea or action. Say the theory was that one had to learn a dance perfectly within a week. This just means that the person would have to practice and practice in order to be perfect to prove the theory right. I think that hands-on, practical-skills courses belong in both liberal arts and mass communication colleges because of the diversity a college is supposed to offer its students. Especially things like TV or theater production should be in a liberal arts college because there is alo of that here at LR and it enhances the LR experience, so therefore it would at other colleges as well.

Friday, April 23, 2010

chapter 13 questioning the media

1. Are you exposed to popular culture from other countries? Why or why not? give some examples.

There are alot of different popular cultures from other countries that I am exposed to almost everyday. For example, I am exposed to food from other countries everyday, but that doesn't mean I eat it everyday. I am exposed to food like mexican such as tacos, burritos, chips & salsa, etc. Another popular culture I am exposed to everyday is the clothing people wear. In the winter, people wear scarfs that are from other countries like the Middle East. Also, I usually see some Muslim women quite often which are dressed from head to toe, except for their faces. Television allows me to be exposed to alot of other popular culture from others countries daily as well.

2. Do you read international news? Why or why not?

Sometimes I do read international news for various reasons. One of the main reasons I read international news is to keep up with the war in Iraq and its impact on other countries. For example, the war affects other countries operations in which the US heavily relies on for its citizens like clothing and petroleum. Since not only the US is in an economic crisis, several other countries are as well. I like to read about companies centralized in the US, but are severely impacted by foreign economic downturn. In my policy class, I have done papers on companies like Chevron, Honda, Johnson & Johnson, and Bank of America. It has been interesting to see how the foreign markets affect the profits of these companies.
5. Is there such a thing as a global village? What does this concept mean to you?
In my opinion, I think that there are numerous global villages out there. The term global village is used to describe the internet and the things people can access on it. There is no limit as to how people can interact with one another globally on the internet and find people with the same interests and concerns as themself. To me, a good example of a global village who be internet dating site such as eharmony, etc. This is because people can interact with others and find that someone special they have been looking for with the same interests as themselves no matter the location of each person.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Chapter 12 questioning the media

1. What do you think of when you hear the term public relations? What images come to mind? Where did these impressions come from?

When I hear the term public relations,I often times think of the government or celebrities. I think of the government because the government controls everything within a country and even what is and isnt allowed to appear in some form of advertising. I think of celebrities because they are one of the main focuses of the entertainment and television business. Pretty much anything they do will be heard about later on the news. Its like the news and television evolves around them. I developed these impressions through the years as i got older and more mature.

2. What might a college or university do to improve public relations with homeowners on the edge of a campus who have to deal with noisy student parties and a shortage of parking spaces?

A college or university could offer some alternatives to the homeowners on the edge of campus such as letting them know in advance when a party is going to be near their house. They could also just tell the fratnerity that they cant have parties but even so often because of the complaints by the neighbors. The university could also provide the homeowners with designated parking spots for them only to keep them happy by doing something like putting up signs by these spots and painting the parking spots saying its the homeowners parking only, and towing is enforced.

3. What steps can reporters and editors take to monitor PR agents who manipulate the news media?

Reporters and editors can monitor PR agents for manipulating the news media by checking the resources that the story is composed from. If the article's resources are all from a liberal or all from a conservative site or politican then they can request an opinion or fact from the opposing side. They can also read the article and monitor for anything that may be based on personal opinion. An unbiased article should consist of all points of view, not just the side the person may have taken.

Chapter 11 questioning the media

1. What is your earliest reco0llection of watching a television commerical? Do you have a favorite ad? A most despised ad? What is it about these ads that you partically like or dislike?

My earliest recollection of watching a TV ad was . Typically my favorite ads are the superbowl commericals. This is because they are really funny and most of them are actually products that I purchase like Doritos and Bud Light. I really like ads like this because they make me laugh. These ads usually have more of a sexier image to them as well like hot women, and thats what I like. Usually I try not to even watch commericals because they typically don't interest me and I end changing the channel. I dont have a despised ad, but there are a few ads I dont like such as the commericals advertising the products used just for women like tampoons n stuff like that.

2. Why are so many people critical of advertising?

I think that alot of people are critical of advertising because alot of times, advertisinments can send mixed messages to people. One person can interpret an ad in a positive way when another can interpret the same ad in a positive way. Advertising is also used in ways like political advertising where commericals are used to persuade people to adopt a particular viewpoint altough it may be somewhat of a negative viewpoint. People are also critical of advertising because it makes the competition look bad even though it all may not be entirely true.

5. Should tobacco advertising be prohibited? Why or why not? How would you deal with first admendment issues reguarding controversial ads?

I think that advertising of tobacco products should be prohibited everywhere. These producrts are absolutely disgusting and they kill people. What kind of people would want to advertise products that kill people everyday. Its just morally wrong. Not to mention that these products smell awful as well. I am personally glad that North Carolina passed the law to where people are not allowed to smoke in bars and resturants anymore. I used to hate when I would go out and come back later that night and have my clothes smelling like cigaretts. Yes people do have the right to free speech in the first admendment, but why would people even want to put controversial ads out in the first place. If I worked for the government, I would ban these ads and just tell people to deal with it and get over it because its not the end of the world.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Chapter 10 questioning the media

1. What are your earliest recollections of books? Do you read for pleasure? If yes, what kinds of books do you enjoy? Why?

My earliest recollections of books as a kid were a short stories series called Goosebumps. I remember everytime I went over to my Grandma's house on the weekend, I would try and read a whole Goosebumps book in a day. These books were so interesting to me at the time because a lot of them were scary books that had alot of twists and kept me interested to read further. I would read 2 or 3 of these books every week and it would make my Grandma so proud that she promised as long as I kept reading them, that she would keep buying me new ones. Nowadays, I do not read for pleasure. Most of the time I read is for schoolwork or for a job. The only pleasure I get out of reading nowadays, is reading the sports page in the newspaper to find out scores of games.

4. Imagine that you are on a committee that oversees book choices for a high school library in your town. What policies do you think should guide the committee's selection of controversial books?

I think that there are both pros and cons about selecting controversial books for a high school library. Some people may argue that the material would be inappropiate for kids of their age, but I would argue that eventually they are all going to be exposed to it at one point or another. I think with contriversial books, that the committee should only offer these types of books to the seniors and not the under classmen. The geographics of the school could also have some bearing on what the committee decides to do with these books.

6. Would you read a book on an IPod or a Kindle? Why or why not?

If I actually enjoyed reading books in my spare time, then I would definitely read a book on my IPod. The reason would be because it would conserve space in my bag, or it would take away me having to carry the book around in my hand. This would be another good advantage because some people might not want others to see what they are reading so they dont get made fun of. Whenever I go on a long trip and have to fly, then i would read a book on my IPod during the flight because I always bring my IPod with me for flights.

Chapter 9 questioning the media

1. What are your earliest recollections of magazines? Which magazines do you read regularly today? Why?

My earliest recollections of magazines as a kid were magazines named Highlights. I really enjoyed these magazines because they were made for kids. The majority of the time that I see these magazines, are in doctors offices. It seems like that kids don't want to sit still while waiting on the doctors, so they look at these Highlight magazines and do the crossword puzzles and hidden picture searches to keep them busy. The hidden picture searches were by far my favorite. Today I'm not much of a reader, so when I do pick up a magazine its usually something sports related like a Sports Illustrated. Another magazine I like to read from time to time are Playboys because of all the interesting stories and the jokes are really funny.

4. If you were the marketing director of you favorite magazine, how would you increase circulation?

If I were the marketing director of my favorite magazine, I would first look at the methods used to market/advertise my magazine, then make some alternative solutions as to how to better circulate it. I don't specifically have a favorite magazine, but as I mentioned above, I do like Sports Illustrated. If I were to try and better circulate Sports Illustrated, then I would have more commercials for the magazine during sports events like football and basketball games. Another tactic I would use would be to advertise Sports Illustrated in other top selling magazines hoping for a better exposure to not only just the sports fanattics.

7. Do you think that internet will eventually displace magazines? Why or why not?

I think that in the long run, Internet will ultimately the magazine industry. This is because the Internet is continuing to become faster and faster and people can find exactly what they want to find faster on the Internet, instead of skimming through magazine articles to find what they want. There are already large magazine distributors that have online sites of all the articles that are in the magazines, so why would people pay for magazines anymore if they could find the few articles they really want to read in the click of a button. With the slowed economy, magazines are just another expense that people have to pay, for something they may read twice then throw out.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

chapter 8 questioning the media

1. What kinds of stories, topics, or issues are not being covered well by mainstream papers?

Mainstreams papers, in my opinion, do not cover things like the war in Iraq well. Their main concerns seem to be things like celebrity status' and sports related events. I know sports are a big thing with people all the time because they love to watch them, but people need to be more informed about the world as a whole and all the devestating things that are going on in it. So what if the news covers some topics like these on television the day they happen, but it is ok to write articles about them and publish them the next day because not everyone gets an opportunity watch the news every night.

2. Why do you think people aren't reading U.S. daily newspapers as frequently as they once did? Why is newpaper readership going up in other countries?

I think that people in the U.S aren't reading daily newspapers as frequently because most people have turned to the internet as their main source for news. This is also cheaper for people to use the internet instead of paying for a newspaper subscription. People can also access news stories faster on the internet instead of having to wait a day to hear yesterdays news today. People may not have as much time to read the newspaper nowadays as before and turn to the internet in order to find what they are looking for faster instead of scanning the newspaper. Newspaper readership is going up in other countries because some countries don't have freeedom of the press and therefore it may be a recent development for them.

5. Will blogs and other internet news services eventually replace newspapers? Explain your response.

Ultimately in the long run I think that blogs and internet news services will replace newspapers. This is because newspapers are expensive to print and less and less people are buying them nowadays because of the downward economy. Also eventually everyone will have access to the internet somehow whether it's in their home or going to the library to get on the computer there. Another trend I have noticed is that more people are starting to blog and more companies are trying to connect with people through internet sources such as facebook or twitter.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Questioning the media Chapter 7

1. Describe your earliest memory of going to a movie. Do some research and compare this with a parents or grandparents earliest memory. Compare the different experiences.

I would have to say the earliest memory I have of going to the movies was when I was in eight grade. I had my first girlfriend and I didn't know where to go so I took her to the movies. I cant remember what movie we went to see, but I do remember that we both enjoyed ourselves. I asked my mom about her earliest experience of going to the movies and she said that she remembers going when she was around 6 or 7 years old. She said that she was so excited to go and couldnt wait to get there. She could not remember what movie she went to see, but she said she had popcorn and that it was a new adventure for her.

2. Do you remember seeing a movie you were not allowed to see? Discuss the experience.

There were quite a few movies that I saw as a kid that I was not supposed to see. In order to see a rated R movie, you have to be 17, but I saw a couple of these movies in theaters when I was 15 and 16. One time I remember having a freind buy me and my girlfriend tickets to see this scary movie that was rated R. I was hoping we wouldn't get caught when we walked in, but we didn't and we both enjoyed the movie even my girlfriend was scared throughout most of the movie. Most of the rated R movies I had seen when I was under 17 were scary movies like SAW or the Omen.

3. How often do you go to movie theaters today? How often do you play DVD's on a television, or watch movies on a computer? Which experience do you prefer and why?

These days I don't go to see movies in the theater that often because they are so expensive. Plus I usually don't have much time to go there anyway because I'm always busy with other plans. The last time I went to the movies was to see Sherlock Holmes and Avartar shortly after, both of which were at the end of December. I play DVD's on tv every coupl of weeks when I feel like having a movie night, but at my house I have DVR and so we have like 40 movies recorded so usually I watch one of them. I prefer to watch a movie on DVD at the comfort of my own home because I can relax and get comfortable which allows me to enjoy the movie better.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Chapter 6 Questioning the Media

1. How many cable channels do you watch regularly? What programs do you watch? What attracts you to a certain channel?

Usually I dont watch many cable channels regularly because there are certain stations I like to watch what little bit of time I do watch television. I have direct TV at my house also, so there are certain channels I watch that arent on regular cable TV. There are probably about 6 or 7 stations that I try and watch regularly. They are ESPN, Comedy Central, USA, Fox, MTV and ESPN2. The shows these channels play is what attracts me to them. I like to watch funny shows like Family Guy and the Simpsons on Fox and funny movies on Comedy Central as well as Scrubs. I like to watch action movies on USA sometimes.

4. CNN and MTV have our changed our society as well as the global culture. Have these changes been positive or negative? Explain

These stations have really modernized our society and the way we think because of the influential things that play on these stations. On MTV, there used to be alot of music videos that the country loved to watch all the time. It used to be the way to listen to music until the invention of all the new technology like Youtube and Ipods. CNN has always been more of a news channel that lets people in on real time situations that going on in the economy now. The changes these stations have brought about in our society, I feel, are positive because people know what to expect from certain parts of society because of the up to date information they receive fro CNN and the relaxing music from MTV so people can take a break from there world and just listen to music to get away.

5. Do you think DBS is an equal competitor to cable? Why or why not?

I Think that digital broadcast satellite and cable are definitely not on the same playing field because of how much more advanced the digital broadcast satelitte is than cable. DBS is more advantageous than cable in areas that are hard to put the underground wires in and also areas that arent profitable for them. DBS can also be viewed from peoples cell phones, so therefore its like having a mobile TV as to where cable, you can't take it anywhere but the place you are watching a TV. DBS high definition images are alot better than cables HDTV as well because of the quality of the picture.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Chapter 5 Dicussions questions

2. How much television do you watch today? Which programs do you try to watch regularly? What attracts you to your favorite programs?

Nowadays, I don't have much time to watch television unless it is a weekend. I am so busy with my schoolwork and job during the week that there are some nights my tv is never even turned on. I probably watch anywhere from 8 to 12 hours of tv during the weekends and maybe 3 to 5 during the week. The prograns I try and watch regularly are programs like Family Guy, The Simpsons, and South Park. I dont get to watch these shows all the time, but I like them because they are just so funny and make me laugh constantly.

3. If you were a network television executive, what changes would you try to make in the programs that America watches?

If I was a network television executive, then I would push to have certain programs taken off the air. I would push for things like all the reality love shows to be taken off air because most of the people on these shows are just on it to be on tv and could care less about the other people they are competing for or against. Most people I know, don't even watch shows like these, therefore they are just taking up airtime. I would try and push America to try and watch more shows that are funnier and not so serious especially since times are so rough. I think it would help make Americans loosen up and not be so uptight.

1. Describe your earliest memories of watching television. What was your favorite show? Which, if any, shows did your family watch together? Were there shows that you were not allowed to watch? Which ones and why?

I don't remember how young I was when I first started watching televison, but I do remember some shows me and my brother liked to watch. I think the name of the show was called Alvin. It was about this little brown creature living with some family. I can't remember all the details but I still remember his character because he was funny and he is what made the show good. When I was little, me and my family never really watched any shows together that we all like. I remember that we had cinemax and HBO and I was not allowed to even watch these stations because of nudity.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Chapter 4 questioning the media

1. Describe your earliest memories of listening to radio. do you remember a favorite song? how old were you? do you remember the stations call letters? why did you listen?

I can't say that I remember my first time listeneing to the radio, but I do remember I liked a certain type of music as a little boy. I'm embarrassed to say, but Ilistened to music like the backstreet boys and Nsync as a kid. I was into the boy bands at the time because I guess I thought it was the cool thing to do. To the best of my memory I don't think I had a particular favorite song, but I was also probably around ten ot eleven years old then. I have no idea what radio stations I was hearing these songs from back then, but it was probabl something like G105.1. I usually just listened to the stations my parents did in the car.

3. If you could own and manage a commerical radio station, what format would you choose, and why?

If I could own and manage a commerical radio station then I would probably choose the top 40 format. I would choose this format because more people would be attracted to the songs that were top of the charts each week instead of listening to older songs that used to be popular. This format would also allow for listeners to hear a song later in the day that they didnt hear when it was playing earlier because of the rotation idea that would be used with this top 40 format. Each week the songs would change so people wouldn't have to listen to the same songs week after week.

5. How might radio be used to improve social and political discussions in the United States?

Radio can be used to improve social and political dicussions in the United States in several ways. This can improve the social aspect of radio by allowing listeners to call in and give their opinions based on what the host was talking about. Radio can help political discussions in the U.S by allowing the listeners to hear the news over the radio of whats happening now, instead of having to wait til they get home to watch the news. This allows people to stay updated on current events and therefore they could voice their opinions over the radio about the political issues as well.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

chapter 3 questioning the media

2. If you ran a noncommercial campus radio station, what kind of music would you play and why?

If I ran a noncommercial campus radio station, I would primarily play rock and hip hop music. Based on all the students I have been around for the past 3 years on this campus, the majority of them like to listen to rock and hip hop music. Therefore by popular demand, I would choose this type of music so I could get the majority of listeners in the area. Every once in awhile, I would throw a country song into the mix, but never any classical music because I myself would not play music I didn't like.

3. Think about the role of the 1960's drug culture in rock's history. how are drugs and alcohol treated in contemporary and alternative forms of rock and hip-hop today?

I think that alot of times drugs and alcohol are abused in rock and hip hop today because alot of times on the news when there's a musician who got into trouble was a result of drugs or alcohol. Today these musicians are under so much stress and pressure to perform and produce new songs, that they just can't take it anymore and break down. They then turn to drugs or alcohol to try and solve their problems which ultimately ends up getting them in trouble with the media and therefore their fans.

5. Do you think the internet as a technology helps or hurts music artists? Why do so many contemporary musical performers differ in their opinions about the internet?

I think that the internet as a technology can really hurt music artists because of the availability of all the free music downloads. People can simply go to certain websites and download any type of music they like for free even if its new songs. This can cost the music artists money by taking away the money they should make from selling their CD's in stores. I would have to say that these musicians have differing opinions about the internet because sometimes the internet can help get their music out there to people so they would want to purchase it later. Some musicians are just so wealthy already that they could care less if some of their music is being downloaded for free off the internet.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Chapter 2 Questioning the media

1. What was you first encounter with the Internet like? How did it compare with your first encounters with other mass media?

Overall all I would have to say that my first encounter with the Internet was nothing special. I was a kid and I didnt even know how to use it yet or even what I could use it for. I was not on there for long at all. However my first experience with a cell phone was very exciting. I remember I was so happy when I got my first cell phone, which was my Mom's old one. I thought I was so cool because I finally had one even though all my other friends already had one. As a kid I didnt really enjoy music either, so my first experiences with the radio were nothing special either.

2. What features of the information highway are you most excited about? Why? What features are most troubling?

A feature that is my favorite so far in the information highway would have to be text messaging. Its' just so much easier that emailing someone or calling them and using all of your daytime minutes especially if you don't have unlimited minutes. Sorry Mrs. Harris, but text messaging is especially good when I'm in class and have to tell someone something right then. One of the features that troubles me the most are the search engines on the Internet. Whenever I Google some information I need for class, then I expect to get something along the lines of what I entered instead of something that has nothing at all to do with my search.

3. What are the advantages of an electronic-digital highway that links televisions, computers, phones, audio equipment, homes, schools and offices?

There are plenty of advantages of linking TV, phones, homes, schools and offices electronically. A good example of home to school or office, would be if I was working on a paper or project at home and couldn't finish it at home, then I could email it to myself to work on at school and print it out since I dont have one of those either. A good advantage of connecting phones to the internet is that I can go online to my Verizon account anytime I want and check my bill and see if I'm close to going over my minutes for the month. If your not around a TV, but you have the internet, then you can check the weather for your surrounding area or somewhere you might be going on vacation to.

Monday, January 18, 2010

case study, "The Sleeper Curve"

Do you accept Johnson's sleeper curve argument that certain TV progams-along with challenging interactive video and computer games- are intellectually demanding and are actually making us smarter? why or why not?

I do agree with Johnson's sleeper curve making us smarter because people really do get satisfaction out of figuring out the hidden plot of TV shows. This makes people think more in depth as to whats really going on and not only on the TV, but also whats going on around them in everyday life. Video and computer games are also becoming more challenging today because kids want more then just being able to fly through a game and beat it easily. They actaully take some skill and planning to beat nowadays.

Are you more persuaded by Postman's 1985 account- that the word has been displaced by an image centered culture and, consequently, that popular culture has been dumbed down by its oversimplified and visual triviality? As you consider Postman, think about the internet; is it word based or image based? What kinds of opportunities for learning does it offer?
I do believe that nowadays, words are becoming replaced by images more and more frequently. The nature of our culture is all about beauty these days. This means that more and more companies are making their ads shorter, but they have beautiful women on their ads in order to try and sell their product better. Beauty sells really good these days. I would have to say that the internet is still more word based today then image based because the internet is used largely as a means for gathering information and communicating with others.

In thinking about both the 1985 and 2005 arguments by Postman and Johnson, consider other generational differences. Do you enjoy TV shows and video games that your parents or grandparents don't understand? What types of stories and games do they enjoy? What did earlier generations value in story telling
There are a lot of TV shows or video games that I enjoy that my parents don't enjoy. I enjoy shows like South Park, Family Guy and the Simpsons as to where my mom enjoys shows like Survivor, American Idol and the Bachelor. The only video games my mom enjoy are the ones on the Nintendo Wii which are included in the Wii sports package including bowling, baseball, golf and boxing. I enjoy more serious video games like 1st person shooting games like Call of Duty for xbox 360. The TV shows that my mom watch are more realistic and up to date of whats really happening as compared to the ones I like that are mostly animated, but extremely funny. My mom said that she valued the stories themseleves and the seriousness of them in her generation. In my generation, I feel like story telling is more valued for the laughter and if its funny or scary instead of so serious.

The Sleeper Curve

Do you accept Johnson's sleeper curve argument that certain TV progams-along with challenging interactive video and computer games- are intellectually demanding and are actually making us smarter? why or why not?
I do agree with Johnson's sleeper curve making us smarter because people really do get satisfaction out of figuring out the hidden plot of TV shows. This makes people think more in depth as to whats really going on and not only on the TV, but also whats going on around them in everyday life. Video and computer games are also becoming more challenging today because kids want more then just being able to fly through a game and beat it easily. They actaully take some skill and planning to beat nowadays.

Are you more persuaded by Postman's 1985 account- that the word has been displaced by an image centered culture and, consequently, that popular culture has been dumbed down by its oversimplified and visual triviality? As you consider Postman, think about the internet; is it word based or image based? What kinds of opportunities for learning does it offer?
I do believe that nowadays, words are becoming replaced by images more and more frequently. The nature of our culture is all about beauty these days. This means that more and more companies are making their ads shorter, but they have beautiful women on their ads in order to try and sell their product better. Beauty sells really good these days. I would have to say that the internet is still more word based today then image based because the internet is used largely as a means for gathering information and communicating with others.

In thinking about both the 1985 and 2005 arguments by Postman and Johnson, consider other generational differences. Do you enjoy TV shows and video games that your parents or grandparents don't understand? What types of stories and games do they enjoy? What did earlier generations value in story telling?
There are a lot of TV shows or video games that I enjoy that my parents don't enjoy. I enjoy shows like South Park, Family Guy and the Simpsons as to where my mom enjoys shows like Survivor, American Idol and the Bachelor. The only video games my mom enjoy are the ones on the Nintendo Wii which are included in the Wii sports package including bowling, baseball, golf and boxing. I enjoy more serious video games like 1st person shooting games like Call of Duty for xbox 360. The TV shows that my mom watch are more realistic and up to date of whats really happening as compared to the ones I like that are mostly animated, but extremely funny. My mom said that she valued the stories themseleves and the seriousness of them in her generation. In my generation, I feel like story telling is more valued for the laughter and if its funny or scary instead of so serious.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Chapter 1 question the media

1. Using music or television, identify a performer or program you once liked but grew away from as you got older and your tastes changed. why do you think this happened? Do you think early interests in popular music or television have had an impact on shaping your identity?
When I was a kid, I used to watch a lot of cartoons everyday, especially the ones on cartoon network. Dragon Ball Z used to be one of my favorite cartoons to come home from school everyday and watch. This program no longer appeals to me because I grew up from my kid stage and no longer have time for shows like that. It was just so unrealistic back then and now I'm into things that are more realistic and relevant to everyday society. This did shape my identity by allowing me to become more mature and professional and by allowing me to live for the opportunities that are out there for me.

4. Make a critical case either defending or condemning Comedy Central's South Park, a TV talk show, professional wrestling, a hip hop group, a soap opera, or TV news coverage of the U.S occupation in Iraq. Use the 5-step process to develop your position.
I will choose to defend South Park by saying that it is a very humorous and outgoing show, even though its only appropriate for older audiences. There are a lot of curse words in the show, but it all ties into the humor of the show. South Park takes everyday events that happen in the world and makes fun of them in a totally non harmful way with no bad intentions. South Park should continue on the air because it engages the more mature audiences and just tries to make people laugh so they don't have to be so serious all the time.

5. Although in some ways postmodern forms of communication, such as email, MTV, and CNN, have helped citizens participate in global life, in what ways might these forms harm more traditional or native cultures?
These postmodern forms of communication can harm traditional or native cultures in many ways such as editing them to forget about or stray away from the older native or traditional cultures. Say theres a native culture that doesn't have all of the electronics that are up to date in one culture, then to another culture they would more then likely be considered boring. TV does not like for their shows to be boring, so if they did a show on cultures, then they wouldn't use the boring ones.